Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Term, Fresh Start

Welcome to term IV/2009. Apologies for abandoning this blog for most of the third term. If it makes you feel better, my other blog suffers from lack of care too. The point is, I shall try to post more often from now on.

This term, I have five classes: Blue 7, Elementary 2B and Basic 2A on Monday/Wednesday; Blue 2 and Intermediate 3 on Tuesday/Thursday. To be honest, I haven't had this many classes (and students!) before but I am getting used to it.

I have some interesting ideas lined up for this term. Let's just hope some of them will actually make it to this blog. I can't wait to show just how creative my students are. Anyway, that's all I have time for today. I have to get back to my class!

Have a great term at KELT!